Wednesday 22nd January 2025 at 7.00pm Parish Council meeting.
in Poltimore Villlage Hall

VILLAGE COFFEE MORNING Saturday December 14th 2024
Poltimore Village Hall 10.30am - 12noon second Saturday in the month. All are very welcome. Come and taste some of the finest cakes in the area and meet your friends and neighbours.
Ms Tracy Watkins
Email using the contact us link below.
Click on this text to edit it.
The Poltimore Parish Council do not have offices and normally meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7.00 p.m. at the Poltimore Village Hall with the exceptions of August and December. Members of the press and public are welcome to attend and time is set aside for questions.
Additional meetings are held as and when required - usually these are for planning applications that need a response to East Devon District Council before the date of the next regular council meeting.
Poltimore House Trust - Registered Charity No. 1079947
The Friends of Poltimore House - Registered Charity No. 1111977
Check www.poltimore.org for full details of all events and for booking tickets for all events (except where indicated). You may also pay by cheque payable to "The Friends of Poltimore House" and send to: Events, The Friends of Poltimore House, Poltimore House, Exeter EX4 0AU.
Any changes in the year's events will be on the above Poltimore House website

Have you thought about joining the Poltimore WI?
We meet on the second Wednesday of the month -7.30pm . from March to July inclusive ( there is no meeting in August)
and at 2.00pm from September to February inclusive in the Poltimore Village Hall.
If you want to find out more about Poltimore WI, please contact Sheila Benden on Tele: 01392 975612 or Email : poppyarmistice8@gmail.com